Muzyk prawie miesiąc czekał na test na koronawirusa

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Muzyk prawie miesiąc czekał na test na koronawirusa

Sturgil Simpson, amerykański gwiazdor muzyki country, poinformował o zakażeniu koronawirusem. Artysta zakończył 12 marca trasę koncertową po Europie Zachodniej, a na drugi dzień trafił na ostry dyżur z ogromnym bólem w klatce piersiowej, gorączką oraz wysokim ciśnieniem. Lekarz odmówił mu przeprowadzenia testu, a o zakażeniu koronawirusem dowiedział się o wiele później. Swoją historię opisał na Instagramie.

Przez godzinę wysłuchiwałem doktora, który odmówił mi testu, bo uznał, że nie mam odpowiednich symptomów. Twierdził też, że zakażenia wirusem to rzadkość i w Europie go jeszcze nie ma, co nie było prawdą – napisał Sturgill Simpson – Prawie miesiąc później, 6 kwietnia, zostaliśmy z zoną przetestowani na obecność wirusa. Kilka dni później, jak nie miałem już żadnych symptomów, otrzymałem telefon i poinformowano mnie, że jestem zakażony – dodał.

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Ok since they are in short supply these days here are some facts… We were on tour in Western Europe for two weeks late Jan /early Feb..then up and down the southeast/eastern US playing arena shows mid Feb to early March. We played Charleston, SC on March 10 and they pulled the plug on our tour March 12 and I returned home. This photo was taken at 9am on March 13th when my wife took me to our local hospital ER due to chest pains, fever, and pre-stroke blood pressure levels. I spent an hour listening to a (highly condescending) Doctor refuse to test me because I “did not fit testing criteria” and tell me why it was impossible that I had contracted the virus due to its extreme rarity and that it was not in western Europe yet during that same period (which we now know is incorrect) even though I was told by two nurses that I was the first person their hospital had walk in requesting to be tested. Almost one month later on April 6th my wife and I were both tested after finally finding a free drive-thru testing facility outside a National Guard depot. Yesterday on Friday April 10th, after almost one month without any symptoms, I received a call from the Nashville CDC stating that my test resulted in a positive detection for Covid-19. My wife (who has been by my side since Europe) tested negative. I should also add that the CDC nurse I spoke to yesterday told me that it reacts differently in a case by case basis and the White House briefings and the information they are providing is basically pure speculation causing fear and that the only thing anybody knows is that we don’t really know much yet. All I know is I first felt symptoms a month ago yet Im still positive and contagious and now on quarantine in the dojo until April 19th and really wishing Id taken my wife’s advice and put a bathroom in the floor and learn. But hey, at least our Government appointed task force headed by a man who does not believe in science is against mass testing and we now have a second task force in the works to “open America back up for business”! Dick Daddy out.

Post udostępniony przez Sturgill Simpson (@sturgillsimpson)
